Meet The Doctors

Dr. Kim Boldt

Dr. Kim Boldt's "Why"

Two main reasons why Dr. Kim Boldt became a dentist in the first place are:

1. She's EMPATHETIC.  When Dr Kim was a child in Saskatchewan, she had "less-than-fun dental experiences" herself, so she decided then and there to become a dentist and give the patients better attention and care than she perceived she had had.  

2. She's ALTRUISTIC.  As a high schooler, Dr Kim admired her own female dentist who would use her vacation time to go overseas and do free dental work for underprivileged people.

Subsequently, Dr Kim has been on three missions trips (to Honduras, Sri Lanka and Rwanda) and continues to support Christian Medical & Dental Society, Health Teams International, Medical Ministry International and other serving organizations.   


How becoming a dentist improved her own health:

Prior to becoming a dentist, Dr Kim was unaware that it is not normal nor healthy to breathe through one's mouth, nor for gums to bleed.  So she started flossing daily, taking nutritional supplements, and eventually breathing through her nose.  

In addition to causing dried-out lips and bleeding gums, her childhood and teenaged habit of chronic mouth-breathing had led to recurrent colds and ear infections, snoring, itchy hands, and the inability to exercise for long, or to swim underwater.

Once she started using dental trainers and expansion appliances VIVOS to widen her own smile and airway, she could finally breathe though her nose and her quality of life improved greatly.

Now she LOVES running, biking, walking her dog Fozzy (a labradoodle), singing, the ocean and witnessing her nose-breathing daughters excel in their chosen paths of massage therapy, osteopathy, dance and music.


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